segunda-feira, 27 de agosto de 2012

"Volleyball tournament of  Paraiso do Norte, with the youngs from our college, with the participation of 60 th athletes of the city of Paranavai and Sao Jorge do Ivai."
By: Caroline, Bruna and Sabrina.
´´Cycling is a radical and funny sport between friends. It is very good to ride a bike, has competition, too´´.
By: Debora Vanessa and Vitoria Carolina - 7° C

"We love to rise in trees for to fun themselves".
By: Ketlyn, Sandriele, Leonrdo, Paulo, Felipe and Lucas.

"We like to participate of others projects like the Multidisciplinar Group in our School." 
By.Ketlyn, Lucas, Paulo, Sandriele, Leonardo and Felipe.
"We taken this photo in a meeting  with a lot of friends in Brazil 's square of Paraíso do Norte.We like to talk together".
by: Fernanda, Geovana, Daiana, Kauana, Izabelly and Laira - 8º E
"Playing "foot in the can " in front of Carol's house." 
By: Mikaelli, Camila, Daniela and Caroline -  8°A

"In ten and eleven of September happened a "Cavalgada" in Paraíso do Norte" that was very funny, with a lot of people and was cool."
By: Rony, João Ricardo, Roni Gomes and Leonardo.
"The objective of this game is to try to win the "house" and to try to make 24 points, then, you win the game."
By:  Gabriela Rocha ,Michele Santana,Juliana Maria e Marina Viana.

"A dance is a popular activity in our city."
By: Jacqueline, Eduarda, Talia and João Gabriel.   8°A

quarta-feira, 22 de agosto de 2012

"The blog is very interestting, we can see what happen in our school there" 
By: Tainara- 7º B
"The blog is good for our school, we learn things with it and it has communicate with other schools to outside Brazil " 
By: Tatiane, Gabriel, Maiara, Rodrigo and Alexsandro - 7º B
"To pratice sports is good for your health. "
By :Carolina, Cintia, Amanda and Brenda - 8º C

"We love ride a horse because it is one of favorite sport " 
By; Julliana , Brenda, Ana Carolina, Mariana, Camila and Karin - 8º C

segunda-feira, 20 de agosto de 2012

"The capoeira is an interactive sport."
By:Cintia, Marcela and Cassia - 7ºC

" In our city - Paraíso do norte - there is a square that is located in our college. On Saturdays Afternoons a lot of children play soccer there "
 By : Eduardo, Alan, Diego,Higor and Igor - 7° C
"This photo was taken in the "Cavalgada" in Paraíso do Norte. Ride a horse is a manner of express themselves and do a funny activity with our friends."
By: Kelvin,Weverson,Rafael,Gustavo and Gabriel - 8º A
"Reading a book in free air with Laryssa and Alana'' 
    By: Laryssa and Alana

quinta-feira, 16 de agosto de 2012

"The blog is an usual space because in it you can post films, photos,etc" 
By: Yara, Mariana and Higor - 7º B
"The blog of English is interesting !We can talk, post photos and do a lot of things. "
by: Giovanni Z.Medeiros and Guilherme Da Silva - 7º B
"Our blog is much cool because we can talk to different students of others cities about our school."  
By: Douglas,Guilherme and Carlos.

quarta-feira, 15 de agosto de 2012

"The soccer is one popular sport, it is knew in every city."
By: Mateus, Tais, Lorraine and Renata - 7º B
"Karate - a new form of learned and to defend that is praticed in our city"
By:Verônica, Rafaela, Greyce, Sabrina and Natalia - 7º B

"The Karate is a sport that is praticed in our city"
By:Thierry, Alaine, Sara, Leonardo, Bianca, Fernanda, Letícia and Larissa - 7º E

segunda-feira, 13 de agosto de 2012

"In this photo is being realized in the camp a soccer between Paraíso do Norte x Paranavaí."
By: Kariny, Rafael, Pamela and Layane - 7º C
"A game in the gym of sport of the 55th open games of São Carlos do Ivaí ."
By:Tais ,Mariana and Giovana - 7º C
 ''Two skatistas (Vinícius and Bruno) in Paraíso do Norte,Paraná.''

''The karateca Vinícius F. realizing a blow yoko tobi gueri.''

By: Vinicius F. and Bruno F.

'' The sport is an impressing activity in our city of  Paraíso do Norte. ''
By : Hannah Julhia and Maria Valentina .

quarta-feira, 8 de agosto de 2012

Karate is up of  all an art that happen in our city of  Paraíso do Norte! by Raissa, Tayná and Maiara - students of 7ºB
In Paraná we practice this sport too! Photo by Vitor Alexandre and Alisson Senilto, students of 7ºB
In Paraná we practice this sport too! Photo by Vitor Alexandre and Alisson Senilto, students of 7ºB

History of karate

The style of Shotokan Karate is a school of karate founded by Gichin Funakoshi (1868-1957). Initially the Master Funakoshi did not believe in creating styles, but that all karate should be one, even with the natural differences of education ranging from teacher to teacher. Shoto was Funakoshi signed his poems as a means pine trees waving in the wind and kan means building or hall.

Funakoshi's students built a dojo (place of the Way) in his honor and called Shotokan (Shoto Building). It is believed that the cause of this is style name. The Shotokan was destroyed during bombing in World War II.

Master Funakoshi was born in the city of Shuri on the island of Okinawa in 1868 and was responsible for the spread of karate on the main islands of the Japanese archipelago and further to the west. At age eleven he began his studies with Yasutsune Azato who taught Shuri-te style and Yasutsune Its who taught Naha-te style. The mixture of these two styles would result in the Shotokan style. His biography is called "Karate-do": "My way of life." For both new lines that appear as single sucesoras of Gichin Funakoshi, soil wishing to capitalize on the Master in his favor. The "karate" by Shigeru Egami, not karate Gichin Funakoshi but changes people abandonaron the original teaching. On April 26, 1957 Gichin Funakoshi died.

The Shotokan style is characterized by strong bases, predominance of hand movements and kicks on the entire body. The twists on the heel low position give fluidity to the movement and all movement begins with a defense. This is a style in which the positions have a very low center of gravity, and that the technique of a "simple" direct punch, can never be mastered, and is only with many years of training, but when the technique is dominated His power is incredible, almost superhuman. In karate shotokan facts are taken seriously as the concentration and state of mind, because without concentration and a mild state of mind but determined to técnina achieve little and should expand these two attributes with the practice and determination. The main bases of the Shotokan style are: HEIKO-dachi, Kake-Dachi, Kiba-Dachi, KOKUTSU-Dachi, TSURUACHI-Dachi, musubi-dachi, NEKOASHI-Dachi, Sanchi-dachi, Shiko-dachi, and UCHINACHIJI zenkutsu-E-Dachi Dachi. Since the fundamental bases, present in most katas are Zenkutsu-dachi, Kokutso-dachi and Kiba-dachi.

Karate, Karate, Karate or karate-do is a form of budo (way of the warrior). Japanese martial art that originated in Okinawa and was introduced in the main islands of the Japanese archipelago in 1922. Karate emphasizes self defense techniques (ie blocking, punching and kicking) instead of fighting techniques from projections and immobilizations. The karate training can be divided into three main parts: kihon, kumite and kata. Kihon is the study of basic movements. Kumite means fighting and can be executed or set free form. Kata means form and is a kind of struggle against imaginary enemies, expressed in fixed sequences of movements.Desfazer edições.
Live your life practice sports!