quarta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2012

"Playing "pipa" is a common activity in Paraiso do Norte."
By: André Jr , Guilherme , Jeferson Prado ,Leonardo , Pablo.

segunda-feira, 10 de setembro de 2012

"In our blog of English has good activities"
By: Tiago Silva,Alexandre Bueno,Thiago H. and Lucas Bispo.
"This game was realized in the gym of Paraiso do Norte in 24 th of July in 2012.'' 
By; Geovane de Paiva, Leticia Moura, Isabela Cristina, Tiago n: 13 ,10,19,15.

segunda-feira, 3 de setembro de 2012

"ACP-is a time of Paranavai that, in this moment, is playing in the 2nd divide. It won 3 titles and played in our city of Paraiso do Norte, too."
By: Carlos Daniel ,Marcos Alexandre,Bruno Nogueira,Fabricios Benadino and Giovane Ciscoto.

"The blog of the teacher Patricia Massulo is a blog with students's activities that they realize without school. It is cool and has educative activities."
By :Naiara A, Danielle Ana Katarina, Mayra, Nayara Fernandes, Geovana Salvador, Anastacio and Wellivelton.
"Our blog is cool .You have to see!You have to access."
 By: Jhonny, Daniel, Wellington and Tiago -  8ªE